Remember I said I had the list of things I wanted to blog about at some point? I decided that the first thing I wanted to blog about was my allergic reaction (that is still ongoing). Yes. I even titled it “The Allergen”. It was slated to be my comeback post! I was halfway through it, and then I just stopped and thought to myself: WHO ON EARTH CARES ABOUT YOUR ALLERGIC REACTION? Ya… but I was still about to… Read more »

HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN? HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I may be the only one excited to be back on this space, but I hope you know I’m happy to connect with you again. If you’re an old reader: I’ve missed you! Remember how I always used to say when you’re reading my blog, it’s just you and me in the world? It’s true. Look at us having a conversation. Even though you always don’t seem to respond, I appreciate… Read more »